Sunday, January 30, 2011
File extension .stm,STM file extension
STM files store streamed native Internet content. New messages are saved to the STM file on the mail server until they are accessed by a user's mail client. When messages are accessed by a MAPI client, they are transferred to the EDB file and converted to the native Exchange format.
Web page that contains server side includes (SSI); references functions on the server that generates content for the Web page; processed by the server when accessed, which outputs HTML to client's Web browser.
Server Side Include Web pages may also use the .SHTM or .SHTML extensions.
Audio tracker module saved by Scream Tracker 2; contains tracks, patterns, and samples used for instruments that are played back in the songs.
Help how to open STM files:
Use any text editor or specialised application (Adobe Dreamweaver, Contribute). To open use web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera)
stm file - HTML server side include file
When a video or email is sent as an attachment to an email address housed on a Microsoft Exchange server, the server saves the file as an exchange streaming media file. When you access your email, the server transfers the .stm file to its original file extension and then sends it to your email, where you can download it.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Nameserver,Domain Hosting,Web Hosting
Nameservers make it possible for visitors to access your website using a familiar domain name, instead of having to remember a series of numbers.
Nameservers on other networks can access information at the central registry up to 8 hours after registering .com and .net domain names and up to 48 hours for all other domain name extensions.
Domain Hosting and Web Hosting
There is a difference between "domain hosting" and "web hosting". Domain hosting refers to the nameservers that your domain name is directed to. The basic nameserver functions include email capabilities and website / browser resolution of the domain name. Web hosting refers to the web content of a web site.
In a common traditional setting, the nameservers of a web hosting company are used. However, web site content can still be published onto pages provided by a web hosting company and the domain name can be pointed or redirected to any specific page on the Internet or unique IP address.
Parking a Domain
2. This can be useful when you have additional domain names
3. Select the "Park Domain" feature to park additional domains at your website cPanel
4. Click on the "Parked Domains" icon
5. Domain parking will not work if you haven't updated the domain nameservers of the domain you are parking to point to your accounts nameservers. Do that with your registrar first
6. Enter the domain you want to park in box provided
7. Click the "Add Domain" button
8. That's it. The domain is now parked.
9. You can remove any parked domains