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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Craigslist Codes

Following is a suggestion for html coding when posting your craigslist ad....

....< p style="COLOR: fsafasasdfsa"> enter the text that you want to be hidden here < /font>
< font color="lightgoldenrodyellow"> enter visable ad text here < /font>
< font color="honeydew"> enter visable ad text here < /font>....

Remember that craigslist changes it's cookies and spam filtering rhythyms faster than I change my hair color, so what will work for you one day may not work the next.

The Real Secret To Mastering Successful Craigstlist Codes

Spend time viewing ads similar to yours that are active on craigslist. If the ad is sticking then you know that the current cookies and monitoring systems on craigslist have allowed that ad to remain active. You want to do the same with your ads. Learn from what successful ad posters are currently doing. This is KEY to your craigslist success and at the very least will save you time in the long run.

How To See The Codes For Active Craigslist Ads

Step 1

Click on the required ad and open it.

Step 2

Instructions for Firefox Browser

Select the menu option "view"

Scroll down to "page source" and click that option

A seperate window will open up showing you the HTML coding for that entire page.

Instructions for IE

Select the menu option "view"

Scroll down to "source" and click that option

A seperate window will open up showing you the HTML coding for that entire page.

If you are using another browser program the steps will be fairly similar, and there were just too many options to list in this 'how to post on craigslist hubpage'!

Obviously this option is only good for those who know how to read HTML. You need not be an expert at coding, so if you understand the basics - hyperlinks. image insert hyperlinks etc, you should be able to give this a go.

Watch for Redirections

When you first click on the required ad on craigslist, pay attention to the redirections occuring as the posted url is loaded. You will be able to see these at the botton of your Firefox Browser window. Where the term 'done' is displayed when a page is loaded, so does it show you where you are being moved amongst. These redirections will give you insight into the type of cloaking programs, url shorteners, domains, and subdomain types being successfully used on craigslist.

Using Image Ads & BlogSpot Redirects On Craigslist

Using image ads and BlogSpot redirects are another great option when it comes to getting your ads to stick on craigslist.

How To Create An Image Ad On Craigslist

1. Post an image ad that is clickable (people can just click the image and go to your site…



- Make sure you replace my info with yours

2. Posting a regular image ad…cannot be clicked

src="" border="0">

How To Create A Blogspot Redirect On Craigslist

1. Go to

2. Create a new acct…

3. Create a post on your blog with this code:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;URL=">

Make sure you create 2 different posts with this same code.

At the end of your blogspot url, you can put random letters and numbers…


How To Get Most Out Of Your Craigslist Ads

This tip can be obvious if you know about checking for site trends and traffic hits, but don't know anything about this, then pay attention. This technique and following links for research can be applied to any free classified ad posting you choose to do online. Plus you may also find a use for these in other elements of your business promotions.

I highly recommend doing locality research before you begin posting. We have already established that craigslist has alot of traffic and readers, but which cities are the most popular? Where do people go when they visit

If you visit and find the traffic details for craigslist there is a ton of useful information.

When you scroll to the bottom of the page there is a heading...

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